B.L. Morgan
B.L. Morgan is happily married to his wonderful wife Judi. He lives in a suburb between Seattle and Tacoma Washington. He is an ex-amateur boxer who will continue to practice Yoga daily until he finally gets it right.
He is college educated and has been a busboy, short order cook, a warehouse worker and delivery driver, served in the US Air Force, been an over-the-road truck driver and a property manager with over six hundred tenants among many other professions.
He is the creator of the infamous John Dark Books; Blood And Rain, Blood For the Masses, Blood On Celluloid and Blood and Bones. He has also authored the Zombie-Western Night Knuckles and the hard hitting teenage vampire novel Red Simon: Vampire Punk.
In his own words B.L. Morgan says, “I was born in the Midwest, live in the Pacific Northwest and I have a mentality straight out of the Old West. My fiction is fast-paced, harsh and brutal. If you like action on top of action then you’ll like what I do. I always warn people: If you have a heart condition what I write may be hazardous to your health.”
- Blood and Bones
- Blood and Rain
- Blood for the Masses
- Blood on Celluloid
- Night Knuckles
Praise for B.L. Morgan
John Dark is neither a detective nor a nice guy, because he doesn’t have to be. He just has to get the job done. He is poor, drunk, violent and uncaring, and that is on a good day. He does the jobs the cops want to do to the scum on the streets, but can’t. In the violent streets of East St. Louis there are plenty of opportunities to “cleanup” for some hard cash from seemingly legitimate sources. Treading in a world where violence and murder are a way of life, nothing should surprise the man who walks the fine line between wrong and outright evil. Until now that is.
To be honest I groaned out loud when my editor dropped this book in my lap and gleefully said “Read it, it’s a detective story!” Reluctantly I gazed at the tome in my lap and thought that is wasn’t too big and maybe I could give it a skim, after all it had bloody handprints on the cover and the back mentioned violence and murder repeatedly.
To my surprise I enjoyed the hell out of this book and read it through in less than a day. Mr. Morgan has a unique view on the world and adeptly puts it to paper in a way that really flows. The book includes two separate stories that intertwine and create an enthralling environment the reader can readily imagine. Every city in America has its spots where your mother would either avoid, or tell you to lock the doors. The main character John Dark works in the shadows and alleyways as you pass obliviously.
B.L. Morgan has an aggressive writing style that borders on a men’s adventure novel. But he pulls off the detective genre with a hint of supernatural and a friggin’ boatload of the ole’ “ultra-violence”. Although I didn’t learn any new revolutionary detective techniques, I wasn’t bored out of my socks with the good cop trying not to be corrupt drama I was expecting. I look forward to B.L. Morgan’s next literary publication.
Withersin Magazine