Martha Tolles

Martha Tolles

Categories: Authors

Martha Tolles is the author of the popular Katie/Darci series published by Scholastic. They have sold over two million copies. The first Katie book was published in 1965 by Thos. Nelson and titled Too Many Boys. It was inspired by her family since she and her lawyer husband had five sons and one daughter. The book was later re-titled and published by Scholastic in 1974 as Katie and Those Boys. Two others followed, Katie for President in 1976 and in 1984 Katie’s Babysitting Job. The Darci series came next and included Who’s Reading Darci’s Diary and Darci and the Dance Contest, both published by Lodestar/Dutton and later Scholastic. Two of her titles, Darci in Cabin 13 and Marrying off Mom, were selected for the IRA Children’s Choice list. In addition, she has published two books, Pockets Full of Gold and What Happened to the Dog, by Dominie/Pearson and two dozen short stories and a half dozen essays. Love and Sabotage is Martha Tolles’ first adult novel.


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